i dont kinow why there are full of gays around me.
yesterday, my freind's roommate, coming from U.S and we had met several times and ate together, said she is a gay. oh my god! waht a striking!
she had to annouce that because now she wants to rent a room outside the campus and my freind recoommand her to my place.
she asked me if i would mine. oh! of course, i dont mind, becouse,since i entered colleage, among five of my roommates in a dorm, three of them have girl friends! and this small six-people-room had ever lived nine people! no ! i never mind! ese
yesterday, my freind's roommate, coming from U.S and we had met several times and ate together, said she is a gay. oh my god! waht a striking!
she had to annouce that because now she wants to rent a room outside the campus and my freind recoommand her to my place.
she asked me if i would mine. oh! of course, i dont mind, becouse,since i entered colleage, among five of my roommates in a dorm, three of them have girl friends! and this small six-people-room had ever lived nine people! no ! i never mind! ese